des 02

HelloYou lanserer Skanna, en strekkodeleser med en vri

For many consumers, deciphering the truth about products feels like solving a riddle. Complex ingredient lists, vague claims, and limited transparency make it nearly impossible to know what you’re really buying—or how it aligns with your health, safety, and values. This growing demand for clarity has inspired HelloYou, a developer known for creating apps that help simplify daily life, to create Skanna—an AI-powered barcode scanner app. Designed to cut through the noise, Skanna reveals the truth behind product labels, offering detailed insights into ingredients, safety, and environmental impact in seconds. What is Skanna? Skanna isn’t just another barcode scanner—it’s a…

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26. sep

Data og fremtiden for finansielle tjenester - Summit 2024

City and Financial Global announced that the next edition of Data and the Future of Financial Services Summit will take place in Central London on October 22, 2024.  This high-profile conference is a must-attend summit for senior decision-makers in the UK financial services industry and beyond. If you want to discover the latest in industry best practices for achieving optimal…

25. september

OpenAI lanserer endelig ChatGPTs stemmeassistent til betalende brukere

OpenAI lanserer endelig sin stemmeassistent til ChatGPT Plus-abonnenter, men den mangler noen av funksjonene selskapet viste frem i sin opprinnelige demonstrasjon. Advanced Voice Mode (AVM) ble først demonstrert i mai, men bekymringer over sikkerhetstilpasning og AVMs evne til å reprodusere opphavsrettsbeskyttet innhold stoppet utgivelsen. Kontroversen om en av stemmene kalt "Sky" som hørtes...

24. sep

Open Source Initiative er uenig med Meta om "åpen" AI

The Open Source Initiative (OSI) has released an updated draft definition of what constitutes open-source AI and says Meta’s models don’t qualify despite the company’s claims. Mark Zuckerberg has been vocal about Meta’s commitment to what he says is open-source…

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