Delta Electronics unveils energy-efficient AI hardware at NVIDIA GTC

March 28, 2024

  • AI infrastructure is consuming vast amounts of power
  • Delta Electronics unveiled energy-efficient data center tech at NVIDIA GTC
  • This includes highly efficient server racks and voltage regulators

The rapid rise of generative AI is driving an unprecedented surge in data center energy consumption. 

Today’s data centers already consume over 1% of global electricity, but this could triple by 2030 to power the massive AI models behind today’s chatbots, image generators, and more.

Microsoft, Google, Amazon, NVIDIA, and others plan to ramp up their data infrastructure plans for the coming years, with power consumption for hyperscale and exascale data centers soaring into the gigawatt range.

Traditional nuclear fission power, nuclear fusion, geothermal, and solar power will all play their part in sustaining this – but building efficiency into AI infrastructure is fundamental. This demands a coordinated response from across the tech industry. 

At the recent NVIDIA GTC conference, one of the most influential AI gatherings of the year, Taiwanese electronics company Delta Electronics discussed several cutting-edge advancements to optimize energy usage in the gigawatt-scale data centers needed to train huge AI models. 

Ralf Pieper, R&D Director of Delta’s Custom Design Business Unit, said, “The arrival of gigawatt-scale data centers for AI training and inferencing applications, likely including 250kW racks, is inevitable. To ensure high-efficiency, reliable, and smooth power conversion and delivery to AI computing chips, Delta keeps developing innovative solutions for different layers within the grid-to-chip ecosystem.”

Delta’s new data center hardware includes modular racks, high-efficiency power shelves, and pioneering voltage regulators vertically mounted to GPU boards to minimize energy loss. Specifically:

  • ORV3 Racks and 50Vdc Busbars efficiently distribute power in AI systems. They feature shelves that support 8,000W output and boast efficiencies of up to 97.5%.
  • Delta’s DC-DC converters significantly improve GPU power supply by converting power from 48V to 0.8V with high efficiency. A novel voltage regulator module minimizes energy loss by integrating the power module directly behind GPU chips, achieving energy savings of up to 15%.
  • Modular Solid State Transformers directly convert grid power to 800Vdc with high efficiency, designed to be adaptable to various international power levels thanks to their modular setup.
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems ensure continuous operation in AI data centers, maintaining efficiency even when operating above normal capacity, with an impressive efficiency rate of 97.5%.
  • The 80kW Power Shelf, designed for AI data centers, features two 40kW rails and employs isolated DC/DC converters for efficient power conversion from 800Vdc to 50Vdc, enhancing overall efficiency to 98%.
AI Delta
Delta Electronics unveiled energy-efficient AI hardware at NVIDIA GTC. Source: Delta Electronics.

Delta, founded in 1971, is a global leader in power supplies and thermal management. It has a strong portfolio of energy-saving solutions for data centers, renewable energy, EV charging, and more.

With a mission “To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow,” Delta leverages its expertise in high-efficiency power electronics and ESG-driven business model to address key sustainability challenges.

Throughout its history, Delta has received numerous global awards for its business achievements, innovative technologies, and dedication to ESG.

This includes being listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for 12 consecutive years and representation on the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)’s A-List in 2020, 2022, and 2023 for contributions to addressing climate change and water security issues.

Pieper explained Delta’s focus on energy-efficient AI hardware: “Our unique expertise in high-efficiency server power and DC/DC converters, as well as ICT and energy infrastructure, allows us to spearhead the development of groundbreaking solutions capable of supporting the AI megatrend by optimizing the grid-to-chip power conversion cycle.”

Delta estimates its high-efficiency products have already helped customers save nearly 40 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) since 2010, enough to power approximately 3.73 million average American homes for a year. 

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Sam Jeans

Sam is a science and technology writer who has worked in various AI startups. When he’s not writing, he can be found reading medical journals or digging through boxes of vinyl records.


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