The upcoming Global Virtual MarTech Summit EMEA 2024

February 13, 2024

The 2024 Global Virtual MarTech Summit gathers on the 21st of February, 2024, a virtual event for the EMEA track. 

This virtual event brings together industry leaders and experts for an insightful day of discussions and panels. 

The agenda is packed with topics like AI & ML technology, full-funnel marketing, and talent acquisition, addressing the latest trends and challenges in the MarTech field.

This summit is an opportunity for over 350 brands and 600 attendees to connect, share insights, and learn from each other’s experiences. 

With 20+ thought leaders participating, the EMEA track promises to be an enriching experience for all involved.

Why attend?

The summit is designed for professionals in the marketing technology space who are looking to:

  • Understand the latest advancements in AI and ML within MarTech.
  • Dive into strategies for effective full-funnel marketing and talent development.
  • Learn from the successes and failures of leading experts in the industry.

Confirmed speakers

A non-exhaustive selection of the 20+ speakers from the event include:

  • Laura Atkinson: Head of Digital Services & Content at KONE
  • Menno Van Der Eijk: Director of Marketing at Amplifon
  • Jessica Hall: Director of Marketing at IDEO
  • Ammar Basit: Global Marketing Effectiveness Analytics Lead at Haleon
  • Sinem Soydar: Global Head of Digital & Social Media Strategy at Shell
  • Heather Hurd: Senior Director, Global Content Studio at FIS
  • James Brindley-Raynes: Head of Digital Customer Journey at Maersk
  • Sita Kalluri: Director of Marketing Optimization at Fitch Ratings
  • Rachit Kapoor: Senior Global Marketing Lead at Amazon

Selected sessions from the summit

An excerpt of selected sessions from the day-long event agenda include:

  1. Chairperson opening & “global” panel discussion: “Future Ready: What We Learnt From 2023 in APAC & EMEA” with George Yaryura, Laura Atkinson, Roche Vandenberghe, Prof. Andy Chun, Jasmine de Guzman discussing lessons from 2023 and challenges in the APAC/EMEA market.
  2. Fireside chat: “Relate Marketing & Sales to Customer Journey: How ‘Smarketing’ Go Hand-in-Hand” with Menno Van Der Eijk, Vasilios Sarakiniotis, and Chris Gold exploring the integration of marketing and sales for better revenue generation.
  3. Keynote presentation: “Single Sourcing Content: A Path Forward” by Deane Barker focusing on the strategies and pitfalls of single-sourcing content in content marketing.
  4. Panel discussion: “The ROI of Insights: Data-Driven Marketing” with Thomas Tauchner, Rachit Kapoor, and Ammar Basit discussing how data insights enhance brand equity and marketing ROI.
  5. Fireside chat: “Delighting Users at Every Touchpoint: Enhancing Customer Experience in the Digital Age” with Jessica Hall, and Sinem Soydar on integrating digital and physical interactions to improve customer experience.

Key details about Global Virtual MarTech Summit EMEA

  • Date: February 21, 2024
  • Time: 09:25 – 13:50 GMT
  • Venue: Virtual live-stream
  • Registration: Open for attendees, head here.

For more information and to register, please visit the official #VirtualMarTech summit website.

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Sam Jeans

Sam is a science and technology writer who has worked in various AI startups. When he’s not writing, he can be found reading medical journals or digging through boxes of vinyl records.


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