digital twin

Two hours of AI conversation can create a near-perfect digital twin of anyone

Stanford and Google DeepMind researchers have created AI that can replicate human personalities with uncanny accuracy after just a two-hour conversation.  By interviewing 1,052 people from diverse backgrounds, they built what they call “simulation agents” – digital copies that could predict their human counterparts’ beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors with remarkable consistency. To create the digital copies, the team uses data from an “AI interviewer” designed to engage participants in natural conversation.  The AI interviewer asks questions and generates personalized follow-up questions – an average of 82 per session – exploring everything from childhood memories to political views. Through these two-hour…

Laatste nieuws

30 sep

Gouverneur Gavin Newsom spreekt zijn veto uit over SB 1047 AI-veiligheidswet

AI companies in California breathed a collective sigh of relief as Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed the SB 1047 AI safety bill that the State Senate passed earlier this month. The controversial bill would mandate additional safety checks for AI models that cross a training compute or cost threshold if signed into law. These models would require a “kill switch” and…
China AI

sep 27

Hoe doet China het in de AI-race? Techgiganten en startups verleggen grenzen

Alibaba Cloud recently released over 100 new open-source models in its Qwen 2.5 family.  These models range in size from 0.5 to 72 billion parameters and handle tasks from coding to math in 29 different languages.  The company’s Tongyi model, available through the Model Studio platform, has seen its user base jump from 90,000 to over 300,000 in just a…

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