GovAI Summit 2023: AI’s opportunities and challenges for the public sector

December 1, 2023

The GovAI Summit 2023 is a two-day conference scheduled for December 5-6, 2023, in Arlington, VA, hosted at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City. 

This event will provide a unique platform for exploring AI’s opportunities and challenges across government, healthcare, homeland security, and more. 

With a keynote talk from Lane Dilg, the Head of Strategic Partnerships on the Global Affairs Team at OpenAI, and sessions from numerous other influential figures, the GovAI Summit promises valuable insights into the intersection between AI and the public sector.

Navigating AI’s role in the public sector

AI’s potential in the public sector is manifold, with some 45% of federal agencies having already deployed models within their departments, according to a US-AI-Report.pdf”>study by Stanford

AI, if harnessed correctly, has the potential to augment public sector services, driving efficiency across everything from healthcare to security and welfare. 

However, this isn’t without its challenges. Dialogue and discussion surrounding AI’s role in the public sector is essential to channel the technology’s potential while mitigating risks.

The GovAI summit brings together key stakeholders and industry voices to debate this critical topic, helping guide the fair, ethical, and effective use of AI in the public sector. It also investigates the impact of the Biden-Harris administration’s executive order and the developing regulatory landscape surrounding AI technology. 

OpenAI keynote from Lane Dilg

Lane Dilg, the Head of Strategic Partnerships on the Global Affairs Team at OpenAI, will deliver a keynote on the first morning of the conference (December 5th). 

Lane Dilg is known for supporting OpenAI’s founding mission of ensuring that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity. 

Her extensive experience includes more than 15 years in the public sector, with roles ranging from advising U.S. Department of Energy leadership to managing a city during the COVID-19 pandemic​​.

Other key highlights from the 40+ talks and sessions include:

  • “Securing Tomorrow’s Infrastructure: AI, Innovation, and Customer Experience” by Kristin Ruiz: Kristin Ruiz, Deputy Chief Information Officer at TSA, will present a keynote on how AI and innovation are pivotal in securing tomorrow’s infrastructure. 
  • “Human-Centered Homeland Security: Insights for 2030” by Sam Howerton: Sam Howerton, Chief Scientist at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, will share his insights on human-centered approaches in homeland security, looking towards 2030. 
  • “National Defense & Artificial Intelligence: The Power of Public-Private Partnership” by Ramesh Menon and Amy Henninger: This panel discussion, featuring Ramesh Menon, Chief Technology Officer at the Defense Intelligence Agency, and Amy Henninger, Senior Advisor for Advanced Computing at DHS, will delve into the synergies of public-private partnerships in national defense and AI. 
  • “Accelerating Federal Readiness for AI: Unpacking the New Executive Order” by Laura Kurup and Viveca Pavon-Harr: Laura Kurup, Principal Director of Data Science Innovation, and Viveca Pavon-Harr, Chief Data Scientist at Accenture Federal Services, will lead a tactical breakout session. Their discussion will focus on the new executive order and its implications for accelerating AI readiness in federal agencies.

Key information about the GovAI Summit

The summit is scheduled for December 5-6, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA. Here are some key details:

  • Dates: December 5-6, 2023.
  • Location: Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, VA.
  • Focus: Practical applications and opportunities of AI in the public sector.
  • Activities: Keynotes, panel discussions, breakout sessions, networking opportunities.
  • Featured Speakers: Experts from diverse fields, including government, technology, data science, and AI.
  • Agenda: Reception, keynotes, exhibit floor, breakout sessions, and networking lunches and receptions.

Discount hotel bookings available

For those attending the GovAI Summit 2023, there’s special accommodation on offer from the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, located at 2799 Richmond Highway, Arlington, Virginia. 

The hotel has reserved a block of rooms at a discounted rate starting at $209 plus a 14.25% room tax per night. This rate is available on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Additionally, a government per diem rate of $193 per night is available for eligible participants, and inquiries about this can be made directly with the hotel.

For those interested in the intersection of government and AI, the GovAI Summit 2023 presents an excellent opportunity to engage with experts and pioneers in the field, discover new approaches, and participate in meaningful discussions. 

More information and details about the event can be found on their official website here.

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Sam Jeans

Sam is a science and technology writer who has worked in various AI startups. When he’s not writing, he can be found reading medical journals or digging through boxes of vinyl records.


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