Amazon Web Services announces a B2B generative AI assistant named Q

December 1, 2023


Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced the launch of a new business-focused AI chatbot named Amazon Q.

Fully-focused on corporate use, Amazon Q is designed to assist employees with tasks like summarizing documents, coding and development operations, managing internal support tickets, and providing company policy information. It will rival corporate chatbots like Copilot, Google’s Duet AI, and ChatGPT Enterprise.

Adam Selipsky, CEO of Amazon Web Services, stated, “We think Q has the potential to become a work companion for millions and millions of people in their work life.” 

Unlike consumer chatbots, Amazon Q emphasizes data security and privacy, a major obstacle among businesses looking to adopt generative AI. Q can integrate with existing business security permissions and offers different levels of access control.

Amazon wasn’t as early on the AI scene as main competitors Microsoft and Google, but recently partnered with AI startup Anthropic and began developing advanced computing chips. The company has also launched a platform providing access to various AI systems, such as Bedrock and Titan, designed to improve machine learning development with swift integration into AWS.

Amazon Q operates on the Bedrock platform, combining multiple AI systems like Amazon’s own Titan models and others from Anthropic and Meta.

Priced at $20 per user per month, Amazon Q is competitively positioned against Microsoft and Google’s enterprise chatbots, which are priced at $30 per user per month.

This announcement is part of Amazon’s broader initiatives in AI, revealed at their annual cloud computing conference in Las Vegas

The company is also enhancing its computing infrastructure for AI and expanding its partnership with Nvidia, including the creation of what is described as the world’s fastest AI supercomputer. 

What is Amazon Q, and how does it work?

Amazon Q is a generative AI assistant aimed specifically at business users. Here are the main features:

  1. Conversational AI: Like other language models, Amazon Q can engage in conversations to solve problems, generate content, and take action, all while understanding a company’s unique information, code, and systems.
  2. Customization to business needs: Amazon Q can be specifically tailored to a business by connecting to company data, information, and systems. It includes more than 40 built-in connectors, enabling business users like marketers, project managers, and sales representatives to engage in conversations relevant to their specific roles and responsibilities.
  3. Role-based personalization: It offers personalized interactions based on an individual’s role and permissions within the company, ensuring that users only access information they are authorized to see.
  4. Focus on security and privacy: Designed with security and privacy in mind, Amazon Q protects sensitive company data.

Amazon gave several practical examples of how to use Amazon Q:

  • Accessing company knowledge: Employees can ask Amazon Q for specific company information, such as guidelines for logo use or company credit card application processes, and receive quick, direct answers and links to relevant resources.
  • Operational insight: The assistant can analyze operational impacts, like the financial effects of supply chain changes, offering in-depth analysis and actionable recommendations.
  • Data visualization and dashboard creation: It aids in creating visualizations and data stories, facilitating easy integration of these visualizations into dashboards.
  • Support in contact centers: In contact center settings, Amazon Q can assist agents by generating responses based on company policies and guiding them through the necessary steps to address customer queries.

Amazon Q is swooping into the burgeoning generative AI for business subsector, which OpenAI tried to capture earlier in the year with ChatGPT Enterprise

Business adoption of generative AI tools has been fairly slow, primarily due to privacy concerns and costs. 

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Sam Jeans

Sam is a science and technology writer who has worked in various AI startups. When he’s not writing, he can be found reading medical journals or digging through boxes of vinyl records.


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