Snapchat Generative AI “My AI” Is It Worth the Hype?

June 2, 2023

With the new generative AI function for Snapchat+ members, users can send Snaps of their activities and get original generative Snaps back from the in-app chatbot, My AI, a chatbot created using OpenAI’s GPT technology. 

With the advent of interactive, generative Snaps, users chatting with My AI can now share Snaps of their ongoing projects and participate in a continuous discussion. 

It’s crucial to remember that this function is only accessible to Snapchat+ members and is not available to free users.

Snapchat said that many users have been using My AI as a creative tool to explore a range of subjects, including movies, sports, video games, and even style tips for formal occasions like prom.

Users can anticipate My AI to answer with a pertinent Snap in response to their activities by taking a picture of their pizza, outfit of the day (OOTD), or even their cherished pets. 

Snap emphasizes that every message shared with My AI, including Snaps, will be saved and might be utilized to improve the user experience.

However, the company advised users not to rely on the chatbot for guidance and to submit feedback in case of any problems.

Users were concerned about the security of interactions with My AI, but Snap reassured them that insights will be added to the Family Centre hub for parental controls. 

Despite this commitment, the integration has yet to take place, and parents can only as of now check to see whether their adolescent has interacted with the AI in the previous week.

By revealing that all communications with My AI will be stored until explicitly removed, Snapchat further raised privacy concerns in relation to AI chatbots. In addition, the organization warned against depending on AI for guidance owing to the possibility of biased, false, damaging, or misleading data.

Only 0.01% of the replies from My AI were declared non-conforming, according to their most recent research. My AI’s most frequent non-conforming replies to inquiries from Snapchatters were repeating offensive remarks.

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Jay Parmar

Jay is a technical writer and Computer Science graduate. He is a long-term AI and ML enthusiast and writes for various platforms like HashDork, TutorialsPoint. Off-duty, Jay simplifies tech and freelances.


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