Pathlight Revolutionizes Customer Interaction with Pathlight CI

June 16, 2023

Pathlight has fundamentally changed the conversational analysis field by introducing a revolutionary product called Pathlight Conversation Intelligence (CI). With Pathlight CI, businesses can now study client interactions on a human-level basis using the most potent language models available.

The CEO of Pathlight, Alex Kvamme, states that “the majority of organizations only have visibility into less than 5% of discussions, despite the fact that everyday interactions are where the most important business insights and customer complaints originate. The truth is that you cannot change something that you cannot see. By empowering customer-facing teams to identify and handle problems promptly and by offering unmatched insights into developing patterns, Pathlight CI fills this information gap.”

Kvamme added, “We created Pathlight CI to address a basic query: why are my customers contacting me in the first place, and what do they need from me to improve their experience? We had just begun to scrape the surface of what is feasible before Pathlight CI.”

By leveraging cutting-edge big language models, Pathlight CI combines the thoroughness of human analysis with the speed and scalability of machine learning.

This cutting-edge system, which makes use of transfer learning, transformer architecture, and numerous LLMs, can analyze data at levels that have never been possible before since it can understand nuances in language and context that typical ML techniques cannot.

A multi-LLM backend that makes use of both publicly and privately hosted models is at the heart of Pathlight CI. 

Without the requirement for training, Pathlight CI enables businesses to record, summarise, tag, and classify every client conversation across all channels. 

Businesses can leverage it to get real-time insights, monitor trends, and base decisions on data. Additionally, the solution provides individualized coaching, allowing for focused feedback and providing the best-rate service.

The importance of Pathlight CI resides in its capacity to respond to challenging, crucial client queries. Businesses can unearth crucial insights through in-depth analyses that go beyond simple questions, fully comprehending client demands and objectives. Their ability to deliver outstanding service and successfully satisfy client expectations is improved by their increased understanding.

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Jay Parmar

Jay is a technical writer and Computer Science graduate. He is a long-term AI and ML enthusiast and writes for various platforms like HashDork, TutorialsPoint. Off-duty, Jay simplifies tech and freelances.


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